Articles / BetterWheat

BetterWheat has now merged with MoreMeat.

This mod adds a few new items that can be made from wheat.

New Items:

  • Grain
    • Used to make Flour and Wholegrain Bread, or can be planted instead of seeds.
  • Flour
    • Used to make White Bread and Wholegrain Bread, or as a replacement for wheat in existing recipes.
  • White Bread
    • Replenishes hunger by 1.5 blocks.
  • Wholegrain Bread
    • Replenishes hunger by 2 blocks.
  • Straw
    • Used to make Straw Bales

New Blocks:

  • Straw Bale
    • A simple block that can be used for building


When crafting Grain, waste Straw will fly out of the crafting bench.

Latest Version

To get the latest version download the MoreMeat mod.

Previous Versions

Version 1.1 [1.2.4/1.2.5]

Download BetterWheat

Download BetterWheat (Forge)

Download BetterWheat Server

Version 1.1 [1.1.0]

Download BetterWheat (Client)

Download BetterWheat (Server)

Download for Bukkit ported by Battlefield

Version 1.0 [1.0.0]

Download BetterWheat (Client)

Download BetterWheat (Server)

Version 1.0 [1.8.1]

Download BetterWheat (Client)

Download BetterWheat (Server)

Version 1.0 [1.7.3]

Download BetterWheat (Client)

Download BetterWheat (Server)

Please post any comments, suggestions here or on the Minecraft forum.

Written by Martin Green (Fearitude). First published on Sat Sep 03 2011