Articles / ClaySoil

ClaySoil is now part of the new Tweak Pack mod.

After playing Minecraft for quite a while I decided to build something that resembled a real world house. For this I would need lots of bricks, not a problem with the huge stacks of clay I had gathered from my random wandering through the world.

Needless to say I got two layers done before running out of brick blocks. There just isnt enough clay in the world.
The world generator in later versions creates more, but I like the world I have. There are also mods that increase the amount of clay generated, but again I didnt want to have to regenerate it.

I needed an alternative way to get clay. Then I thought about real life. The soil around here has a fairly high percentage of clay so it made perfect sense to also get clay when digging up dirt blocks.

Therefore I present the ClaySoil mod. This alters the Dirt (and Grass, Mycelium) blocks to give a chance of also getting a piece of clay whenever you harvest those blocks.

This mod requires Forge.

ClaySoil is available for both single-player and multi-player. The multi-player mod is server-side only so does not require modded clients.

Version 1.1: Added clay drop from Mycelium block.

Version 1.2: This now requires Forge, but must still be installed in minecraft.jar

Version 1.3: ClaySoil is now an FML coremod, this means you can just copy the file into the coremods folder to install.

Version 1.4: Updated for the latest Minecraft and Forge versions, various internal optimisations.

Version 1.5: Updated for the latest Minecraft and Forge versions. No longer a coremod thanks to a feature in the latest version of Forge, this means it shouldnt require updates for minor minecraft version changes.

Automatic Installation (Recommended):

Please click the link below then follow the instructions to create a special installer with your selected mods. This is the best and easiest way to obtain these mods.

Download Mod Installer

Manual Installation:

Please follow these instructions to install manually. Download links are just below.

The latest version requires Forge.

Single Player

  1. Download the zip file.
  2. Install Forge.
  3. Copy the zip file into your .minecraft/mods/ folder.
  4. Play


  1. Download the zip file.
  2. Install Forge.
  3. Copy the zip file into your minecraft server/mods/ folder.
  4. Play (No need to mod clients).

Latest Version

The latest version is included in the Tweak Pack mod.

Previous Versions

Download ClaySoil (Universal) 1.5 [1.6.4]

Download ClaySoil (Universal) 1.4 [1.6.2]

Download ClaySoil (Universal) 1.3 [1.5.1/1.5.2]

Download ClaySoil (Universal) 1.2 [1.4.6/1.4.7]

Download ClaySoil (Universal) 1.2 [1.4.4/1.4.5]

Download ClaySoil (Universal) 1.2 [1.4.2]

Version 1.1 [1.3.2]

Download ClaySoil (Single Player)

Download ClaySoil (Server)

Version 1.1 [1.2.4/1.2.5]

Download ClaySoil (Single Player)

Download ClaySoil (Server)

Version 1.1 [1.1.0]

Download ClaySoil (Single Player)

Download ClaySoil (Server)

Version 1.1 [1.0.0]

Download ClaySoil (Single Player)

Download ClaySoil (Server)

Version 1.0 [1.8.1]

Download ClaySoil (Single Player)

Download ClaySoil (Server)

Version 1.0 [1.7.3]

Download ClaySoil (Single Player)

Download ClaySoil (Server)

Please post any comments, suggestions here or on the Minecraft forum.

Written by Martin Green (Fearitude). First published on Mon Aug 29 2011