Articles / Server Command GUI

Server Command GUI (SCG) is a mod designed mainly for server owners and admins, to make the job of administering your server a bit easier. Although its equally useful for anyone who often needs to run in game commands.

It provides a very simple menu style interface for issuing server commands. Commands are grouped into different areas for easier access and most things can be auto-completed, such as selecting player names from a list.

Version 2

Version 2.0 is now available and is almost a complete rewrite with improvements to every aspect of the system.

  • Completely rewritten and now super shiny user interface!
    • Proper looking menus, not just text.
    • Fading highlight effect.
    • Progress bar for loading.
    • Icons.
  • Supports Vanilla (single and multi-player) and Bukkit commands
  • No longer a coremod so shouldn’t need changes for each update.
  • New command detection system checks which commands the server will let you run.
  • UI now supports mouse as well as keyboard
  • Built in help. Point to icon or press H.
  • Improved data entry for numbers, players, items, etc.
  • Mod support. Loads mod specific command lists and enables them if that mod is active.
    • Forestry command list included.
    • More to be added in future.
  • SDK for modders or users to add their own command lists.


  • C - Open the command menu (changable from settings menu).
  • Arrow Keys or Mouse - Navigate menus.
  • Return or Mouse - Select the item or execute the command.
  • Escape - Close the menu.
  • H - Display help.


Automatic Installation (Recommended):

Please click the link below then follow the instructions to create a special installer with your selected mods. This is the best and easiest way to obtain these mods.

Download Mod Installer

Manual Installation:

Please follow these instructions to install manually. Download links are just below.** **

  1. Download the zip file.
  2. Install Forge.
  3. Open the zip file.
  4. Copy all files from the “config” folder into your .minecraft/config folder.
  5. Copy all files from the “mods” folder into your .minecraft/mods folder.

This mod requires Forge. Available here.

Current Version

Download Server Command GUI (Client) 2.1 [1.7.2/1.7.10]

Download Software Development Kit for  SCG 2.1

Previous Versions

Download Server Command GUI (Client) 2.0 [1.6.4]

Download ServerCommandsGUI (Client) 1.6 [1.6.2]

Download ServerCommandsGUI (Client) 1.5 [1.5.1/1.5.2]

Download ServerCommandsGUI (Client) 1.5 [1.4.6/1.4.7]

Download ServerCommandsGUI (Client) 1.4 [1.4.6/1.4.7]

Download ServerCommandsGUI (Client) 1.4 [1.4.4/1.4.5]

Download ServerCommandsGUI 1.4 [1.4.2]

Download ServerCommandsGUI 1.4 [1.3.2]

Download ServerCommandsGUI 1.3.1 [1.2.5]

Download ServerCommandsGUI 1.3.1 [1.2.4]

Download ServerCommandsGUI 1.3.1 [1.1.0]

Download ServerCommandsGUI 1.3 [1.1.0]

Download ServerCommandsGUI 1.2 [1.1.0]

Download ServerCommandsGUI [1.8.1] WIP

Download ServerCommandsGUI [1.7.3] WIP

Please post any comments, suggestions here or on the Minecraft forum.

Written by Martin Green (Fearitude). First published on Tue Aug 30 2011